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Student Support

Personal Tutor: 

You will be assigned a Personal Tutor, who will provide on-going academic and pastoral support throughout your time with us, both individually and as part of a tutorial group.

Additional support: 

If you have learning needs or disabilities we will ensure that all reasonable adjustments are made to ensure that you are able to achieve your potential. Please see the SEND page for more information

Academic and pastoral support: 

In addition to the support from your Personal Tutor, our Academic and Attendance Review will help us work with you to monitor your progress and discuss any support that may be necessary to keep you on track.

Additionally, our Student Support team, including the College Counsellor will always be on hand to provide support when you need it.

Safeguarding and child protection: 

Kimberley College takes student safety very seriously. We are committed to providing a safe environment in which students can learn, identifying students who are likely to suffer significant harm and taking appropriate action to help to ensure they are kept safe both at home and in College.

Please view our Safeguarding and Child Protection policy here

Contact Us

Tel: 01234 762890



Kimberley College
Green Lane
MK43 9LY

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