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(August 2020) Admissions update

Application email update:

Dear Applicant

Application status update:

Today we have been processing all of the information and requests we received yesterday from more than 350 students who have confirmed their intention to join the college. Inevitably this is taking staff time and we need a little more time before we can confirm the situation for all applicants.

We hope this holding email will put your minds at rest:

All students who have met all of the conditions of their offers in every respect, including Average Points Score and the grades required for each subject and have NOT requested any change of subject from those on their original application can be confident that their places will be confirmed on Monday.

Applicants who have met all of the conditions of their offers in every respect, including Average Points Score and the grades required for each subject but have requested one or more change of subject from those on their original application will be informed on Monday whether their subject change request can be confirmed but can be confident that their place will be confirmed.

Applicants who have NOT met the conditions of their offers in full, and/or who have requested one or more change of subject from those on their original application will be informed on Monday whether their subject change request[s] can be accommodated and/or a place awarded.

If your application is in the second or third group, please be patient over the weekend. We will do our very best to meet as many requests as possible for applicants in the second and third groups.

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