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Principal's Introduction
Welcome to the Kimberley College website.
We hope that you are able to find the information you need to make an informed decision as to whether Kimberley College is the right place for you to study.
The College is part of 'Wootton Academy Trust' so our students benefit from specialist facilities for Science Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) at Kimberley, and the Arts at our Wootton campus. All students are based at Kimberley 16-19 STEM College but follow a wide range of subjects and qualifications. Students achieve excellent results and benefit from specialist, experienced teaching. Our students tell us that they are very happy in their studies with over 97% rating our teaching as good or better in our College survey (October 2017).
We are very keen that you have every opportunity to enable you to pursue your long term career goals and the wider curriculum we offer is designed to help you achieve these. All students study topical ethical issues with their personal tutors as well as getting involved in extra-curricular activities ranging from volunteering to fundraising. We also work in partnership with local universities including Bedfordshire, Cranfield and Cambridge together with many leading employers in Bedfordshire and beyond. All our students undertake work experience in the summer term of year 12.
We very much hope that you will be keen to join the next generation of Kimberley College students. If you cannot find the answer to a question, please let us know!
Our application process is designed to give you lots of opportunities to find out more, and all applicants have at least one interview with a member of the College’s staff.
We look forward to meeting you very soon.
Yours sincerely
Mr T Detheridge
Kimberley 16-19 College