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Parents & Carers
The Government has changed the law in recent years so that young people leaving school will need to continue in education or training until their 18th birthday. Students can opt to study or train in any of the following ways:
Study full time in a sixth form, college or with a training provider
Gain an apprenticeship or traineeship
Work or volunteer full time, combined with part time education or training
The careers team and wider staff across Wootton Academy Trust provide lots of information, advice and guidance to students that they may not share with their parents/carers.
Parents/carers are vital to students understanding of career choices and the decisions they make. We wish all parents/carers to have up-to-date information on choices at 14+, 16+ and 18+ and we would actively encourage you to attend parent information sessions and careers appointments at parent’s evenings.
We would also encourage parents to discuss any concerns regarding careers related matters with Mrs Ashby.
Unifrog is used with all students across the trust to aid them in their research into future career and education options, whether that be further education, higher education or apprenticeships. It is also used to help students with making applications to their chosen destination. We encourage parents to also make use of this system which can be accessed anywhere you have internet access. It is a fantastic resource and we have received positive feedback from parents who are already using this. If you would like to register as a user please contact Mrs Ashby via yashby@wootton.beds.sch.uk to request the access code and registration instructions.
Information for parents / carers
Useful Careers Websites and Resources for Parents, Staff and Students
All students will have the opportunity of a career’s appointment with a qualified Careers Adviser in the summer term of Year 12 or autumn term of Year 13. Parents will be informed the week before the appointment. It is our sincere hope that being informed of their appointment will allow you discuss the outcomes with them and continue to support them in their next steps.
What to Expect from your Careers Guidance Interview
It may also be helpful for parents and carers to access these additional websites / parents guides:
Useful careers websites and resources for parents, staff and students
Parent Guidance - Planning information to help parents and carers support their child’s career planning needs.
A parent’s guide to apprenticeships:
Bedford College – parents’ guide to apprenticeships:
How parents / carers can help
We aim to help every student to reach their full potential and progress on to a successful destination by providing them with the widest possible range of employer and careers related opportunities. This can only be achieved with the help and support of those around us, including parents, employers and alumni.
The school seeks to actively engage parents / carers in the development and delivery of careers provision. Regular careers updates together with requests for assistance with careers events are provided through the school newsletter, careers newsletter and other social media.
We appreciate that your time is precious and we would value your contribution whatever this may be. Here are some examples of how a parent could get involved in careers activities:
Attend our ‘speed networking’ event with Year 9 students (spring term) giving small groups of students an insight into your job
Provide a ‘careers insight’ talk or workshop to Year 10/Year 12 students on your career path and current career area
Act as an interviewer / assessor at a mock interview or mock assessment centre event
Ask your employer whether they would like to attend our careers and higher education fair – December
Ask your employer whether they could host a workplace visit for a small group of students (2 hours)
Ask your employer whether they could host a Year 12 work experience student for a week (July)
The above list is not exhaustive, if you have any further ideas of how you could support our CEIAG programme please do not hesitate to get in touch with Mrs Ashby.
If you have a few moments to provide feedback on our careers education programme from a parents point of view please complete the following short survey.