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Key Stage 5

Before joining us in Year 12, all students attend a day of transition activities during the summer term of Year 11. During this time all students will complete a comprehensive ‘careers interest survey’ which allows the careers team to have an insight into their current thoughts and knowledge in many areas related to their future options. This allows the Careers Leader to ensure the careers programme is fit for purpose and relevant to all students.


By the end of Stage 5 all students will have:


  • Enhanced their self-knowledge, career management and employability skills.

  • Used online resources and other sources to investigate and explore future choices and progression routes.

  • Been given guidance to help identify a range of Post-18 options.

  • Received guidance through the UCAS application procedure.

  • Been given direct access to employers and universities.

  • Received guidance regarding the procedures and timelines involved in applying for apprenticeships.

  • Been provided with the resources to develop their CVs, personal statements, and interview preparation.


In order to achieve the above outcomes, all Year 12 students will follow a programme of careers activities as follows:


Autumn Term

  • Assembly - Unifrog launch, student entitlement, overview of careers programme and opportunities to develop skills

  • Autumn term 1 - Tutorial programme - Opportunity Research

  • Identification of early-entry / Oxbridge / apprenticeship students         

  • Meet the Tutor Evening

  • Autumn term 2 - Tutorial programme - Work Experience

  • Work experience support 'drop in' sessions  

  • 1:1 careers guidance appointment available on request

Spring Term

  • Work experience support 'drop in' sessions  

  • Spring term 1 - Tutorial programme - MOOCs

  • Careers Convention – employers, universities, further education and training providers all represented. Includes parent presentations.

  • National Apprenticeships Week - events/activities

  • National Careers Week - events/activities

  • Speed networking with Undergraduates / Apprentices

  • Trip to ‘What Career and What University Live’

  • Spring term 2 - Tutorial programme - Post-18 option research

  • 1:1 Careers guidance appointments available on request

Summer Term

  • Parents Evening - careers appointments available

  • Work experience support 'drop in' sessions  

  • Summer term 1 - Tutorial programme - Post-18 option research

  • Work Experience Placement 

  • Work experience review & reflection

  • Summer term 2 - Tutorial programme - Application building

  • Trip to UCAS Convention    

  • 'Next Steps' Day

  • Beginning of 1:1 career guidance appointments on Post-18 Options and future career goals   


All Year 13 students will follow a programme of careers activities as follows:

Autumn Term

  • Autumn term 1 - Tutorial programme - Application building

  • UCAS application support 'drop in' sessions

  • Apprenticeship application support 'drop in' sessions    

  • Parents Evening - careers appointments available

  • Mock Assessment Centre for apprenticeship students

  • Autumn term 2 - Tutorial programme - Application building / managing finances

  • Continuation of 1:1 career guidance appointments on Post-18 Options and future career goals   

  • Application deadline – All UCAS applications to be completed and sent off by the end of autumn term

Spring Term

  • Spring term - Tutorial programme – Resilience and Transition Planning

  • Careers Convention – employers, universities, further education and training providers all represented. Includes parent presentations.

  • National Apprenticeships Week - events/activities

  • National Careers Week - events/activities

  • 1:1 Careers guidance appointments available on request

  • Mock Assessment Centre for apprenticeship students

  • Mock interviews (available on request)

  • Apprenticeship application support 'drop in' sessions

Summer Term

  • Apprenticeship application support 'drop in' sessions

  • Mock interviews (available on request)

  • 1:1 Careers guidance appointments  available on request

  • Summer Surgeries (support on A level results day)

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