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Need financial help to support you at Kimberley College?
There are three different levels of bursary and Free School Meals being offered in the Academic Year 2024/25:
L1 Bursary:
This is for students whose annual household income is up to £16,190 or who are currently or previously in care, or receiving benefits in their own name. You could receive payments up to £1200 per annum. You could also be entitled to FSM.
L2 Bursary:
This is for students whose annual household income is between £16,191 and £29,999. You could receive a payment of up to £1000 per annum.
L3 Bursary:
This is for students whose annual household income is between £30,000 and £34,999. You could receive payments up to £850 per annum.
Free School Meals:
If eligible, you will be able to claim a hot meal from the main canteen or another hot/cold nutritional snack such as a panini or baguette from the Costa coffee outlet. If you think you may be eligible for FSM, please apply via the Applicaa link below
For more details please read the Financial Help Information Leaflet below.
If you would like to apply to the 2024/25 fund you can apply by clicking the link https://kimberleybursary.applicaa.com/1 where you will be able to set up an account and complete an application. You will need to complete your application by Friday 27th September. Applications are accepted all year round but are not backdated, with payments being made from the start of the next half-term.
Please contact the college if you have any questions via email: bursary@wootton.beds.sch.uk