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Kimberley College Dress Code
Kimberley College encourages students to be confident and independent, so they are well prepared for the next stages of their academic and professional lives. The College dress code is “smart/ causal”. We ask students to consider if what they are wearing is appropriate for a ‘professional environment’. Should the Trust decide that a student is not adhering to this code, staff have the right to ask the student to address this either immediately on the day or moving forward. The college has deemed the following attire as not appropriate:
- Inappropriate footwear (eg sliders / flip flops)
- Revealing clothing (eg showing too much of the top or bottom half of the body)
- Caps/ hats on indoors
- Hoods up indoors
- Items that could cause offence to others (eg offensive language)
Additional information:
Students using the gym must bring a change of clothes for lessons or change into gym clothing after a lesson.
There will be some specific safety/protective clothing requirements in some subjects e.g. Engineering. Please refer to subject teachers for advice.
The college leadership team have the final decision regarding what is and what is not suitable attire for college students. The college reserves the right to send home any student who is not properly dressed. The student will then be expected to change and return to college as soon as possible to resume their studies.
Persistent disregard for the dress code will result in further disciplinary action being taken.
We retain the right to act as the final authority in the interpretation of the dress code. If unsure, parents/carers and students are advised to contact a member of the college leadership team for clarification before purchasing items.