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COVID-19 information
from September 2021

Expectations in college and on transport:
Government advice
  • All learners should remain alert regarding good practice.

  • All learners must sanitise/hand wash regularly and cover their mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing. Remember: catch it, bin it, kill it.

  • Face coverings should be worn on public/college transport.

  • Face coverings may be worn at any time in college and many learners and staff may still wish to do so.

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Reporting your results of a Lateral Flow Test or a PCR test:  
  • Please report to the NHS via Report a COVID-19 rapid lateral flow test result - GOV.UK (

  • Please report to us using this link

  • If your result is positive you must also email us:

  • Please make sure you include: Name, year group, date of test. A member of staff will then contact you for further information.

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COVID Testing
Risk Assessment

Contact Us

Tel: 01234 762890



Kimberley College
Green Lane
MK43 9LY

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